Marketing from the beginnings to now

The origins of the concept of marketing have their roots with the Italian economist Giancarlo Pallavicini in 1959. These roots are accompanied by the initial in-depth market research, constituting the first instruments of what became the modern marketing, resumed and developed at a later time by Philip Kotler.
Giancarlo Pallavicini introduces, the following definitions: Marketing is defined as a social and managerial process designed to meet the needs and requirements of consumers through the processes of creating and exchanging products and values.
It is the art and science of identifying, creating and delivering value to meet the needs of a target market, making a profit : delivery of satisfaction at a price. Earlier approaches The marketing orientation evolved from earlier orientations, namely, the production orientation, the product orientation and the selling orientation.

A classic is an outstanding example of a particular style, something of lasting worth or with a timeless quality. The word can be an adjective (a classic car) or a noun (a classic of English literature).
It denotes a particular quality in art, architecture, literature, design, technology, or other cultural artifacts. In commerce, products are named "classic" to denote a long standing popular version or model, to distinguish it from a newer variety.
Classic is used to describe many major, long-standing sporting events. Colloquially, an everyday occurrence (e.g. a joke or mishap) may be described as "an absolute classic". "Classic" should not be confused with classical, which refers specifically to certain cultural styles, especially in music and architecture: styles generally taking inspiration from the Classical tradition, hence classicism.
Source: Wikipedia

In the visual arts, style is a "...distinctive manner which permits the grouping of works into related categories." or "...any distinctive, and therefore recognizable, way in which an act is performed or an artifact made or ought to be performed and made".
It refers to the visual appearance of a work of art that relates it to other works by the same artist or one from the same period, training, location, "school", art movement or archaeological culture: "The notion of style has long been the art historian's principal mode of classifying works of art. By style he selects and shapes the history of art".
Style is often divided into the general style of a period, country or cultural group, group of artists or art movement, and the individual style of the artist within that group style. Divisions within both types of styles are often made, such as between "early", "middle" or "late".
Source: Wikipedia
Simplified Depictions

Stylization and stylized (or "stylisation" and "stylised" in British English, respectively) have a more specific meaning, referring to visual depictions that use simplified ways of representing objects or scenes that do not attempt a full, precise and accurate representation of their visual appearance (mimesis or "realistic"), preferring an attractive or expressive overall depiction.
More technically, it has been defined as "the decorative generalization of figures and objects by means of various conventional techniques, including the simplification of line, form, and relationships of space and color", and observed that "Stylized art reduces visual perception to constructs of pattern in line, surface elaboration and flattened space".
Ancient, traditional, and modern art, as well as popular forms such as cartoons or animation very often use stylized representations, so for example The Simpsons use highly stylized depictions, as does traditional African art. The two Picasso paintings illustrated here show a movement to a more stylized representation of the human figure within the painter's style, and the Uffington White Horse is an example of a highly stylized prehistoric depiction of a horse. Motifs in the decorative arts such as the palmette or arabesque are often highly stylized versions of the parts of plants.
Source: Wikipedia

An antique (Latin: antiquus; "old", "ancient") is an old collectable item. It is collected or desirable because of its age, beauty, rarity, condition, utility, personal emotional connection, and/or other unique features.
It is an object that represents a previous era or time period in human society. It is common practice to define "antique" as applying to objects at least 100 years old. Antiques are usually objects that show some degree of craftsmanship—or a certain attention to design, such as a desk or an early automobile.
They are bought at antique shops, estate sales, auction houses, online auctions, and other venues, or estate inherited. Antique dealers often belong to national trade associations, many of which belong to CINOA, a confederation of art and antique associations across 21 countries that represents 5,000 dealers.
Source: Wikipedia